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communication accommodation造句

  • The communication accommodation theory has shortcomings and strengths to its practice.
  • According to Giles'Communication Accommodation Theory, interpersonal contacts are negotiations.
  • Communication accommodation theory was also found to have a place in media.
  • Communication accommodation theory can be applied to virtually any situation in which communication occurs.
  • Studies show the comparison of communication accommodation in foreign countries between tourists and locals.
  • The Communication Accommodation theory focuses " on the role of conversations in our lives ".
  • Despite the strengths of the Communication Accommodation Theory, there are short-comings to it.
  • Many of the principles and concepts from social identity theory are also applicable to communication accommodation theory.
  • The communication accommodation theory was developed by Howard Giles, professor of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
  • Under the influence of social psychology, especially social identity theory, communication accommodation theory are guided by mainly four assumptions.
  • It's difficult to see communication accommodation in a sentence. 用communication accommodation造句挺难的
  • Despite the fact that communication accommodation theory is theoretical, it has shown itself to be viable by its numerous practical applications.
  • The Communication Accommodation Theory posits that throughout communication, people will attempt to accommodate or adjust their method of speaking to others.
  • Communication accommodation thus, becomes a tool to emphasize group distinctiveness in a positive way, and strengthen the individual's social identity.
  • In accordance with communication accommodation theory, learners may adapt their speech to either converge with, or diverge from, their interlocutor's usage.
  • The communication accommodation theory has broadened this theory to include not only speech but also the " non-verbal and discursive dimensions of social interaction ".
  • Since communication accommodation theory applies to both interpersonal and inter-group communication one of the fields in which it has been most applied has been in intercultural communication.
  • As suggested by the Communication Accommodation Theory, this is often used as a way to reduce social distance ( convergence ) Language coordination can also often occur unconsciously.
  • These scholars question the " convergence-divergence frame . . . [ and ] they believe that conversations are too complex to be reduced simply to the processes of the Communication Accommodation theory.
  • As communication accommodation theory explains " the cognitions and motivations that underlie interactants'communication " with context and identity salience, it's feasible to apply it to new media related settings.
  • Like speech accommodation theory, communication accommodation theory continues to draw from social psychology, particularly from four main socio-psychology theories : similarity-attraction, social exchange, causal distribution and intergroup distinctiveness.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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